©Igor Chimisso 2015
here it is a page I did for the presentation of "Isola del Tesoro" (treasure Island) at MIPCOM
(with and without frame- personally I prefer it without)
A quick drawing...can you find the dragon? (I guess so...)
just to post something...actually I'm busy working for Disney, so I don't have much time...sorry :-)
this is something I did inspired by the "interview with the vampire" movie.
this is me again trying to show how bad I am in drawing Dylan Dog... :-)
This is one of my favorite works ever, 'cause I did it trying to get an edge between vintage and modern style, in order to tell what my KIM was about.
I also like the composition I worked out, somewhere between a japanese anime and the one of an old movie poster, which is exactly what I wanted. :-)
(© MondoTV)
This is Elidh , the fairy from PartiDei. She lives among the bonsai. ©MondoTV